
The Red Man
On Goliarda Sapienza Imagery

The fanzine was conceived by the author and Départ Pour l'Image in the occasion of the exhibition "Looking On. Sguardi e prospettive sulla nuova fotografia italiana" organized by Osservatorio Fotografico at the MAR museum of Ravenna in 2019 and was for free distribution to exhibition visitors.

About the project:
Through the images, starting from a re-reading of the texts and from the deepening of the places and the stories related to them, the project aims to renew and enrich the hypotheses around the work of the writer Goliarda Sapienza and show her profile in a different light.

Author: Francesca Todde
Publisher: Départ Pour l’Image
Design: Départ Pour l’Image
Size. 148x210 cm
Pages: 16
Saddle stich
Favini Rismacqua Azzurro
Favini Rismacolor Giallo